Gold Label

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Gold Label Witch Hazel & Arnica 400g
Gold Label Witch Hazel & Arnica 400g
Our best selling astringent to assist in soothing bruises and soft swellings.Pleasant to use and cooling on the skin.Can also help stimulate the appetite.
Gold Label Wondergel
Gold Label Wondergel
A truly unique and natural..

Gold Label Dubbin - 500gGold Label Dubbin - 500g
Gold Label Dubbin - 500g
Gold Label Dubbin is a softening waterproof protection for leather items and footwear.
Gold Label Glycerin Saddle Soap Liquid - 500ml
Gold Label Glycerin Saddle Soap Liquid - 500ml
Easy to apply liquid saddle soap, saves time. For application to all genuine leather products.

Gold Label Neatsfoot Oil - 500ml
Gold Label Neatsfoot Oil - 500ml
Treats old leather and softens new leather. Blended for spreading and ease of use, even in colder weather.
Gold Label Flygon La (long Acting) 500ml
Gold Label Flygon La (long Acting) 500ml
Long acting insect repellent, water based and ready to use., For use during the summer months, Contains Citriodiol, Citronella & Lemon Eucalyptus Oils, Leaves a shiny manageable coat!

Gold Label Itchgon Lotion 500ml
Gold Label Itchgon Lotion 500ml
A soothing natural application containing blended Neem Oil, Tea Tree Oil & Rosemary Oil.Use to soothe scurfy skin especially in the summer months in the presence of irritation caused by insects. One of our most popular products.
Gold Label Louse Powder - 400g
Gold Label Louse Powder - 400g
An insect repellent for use against flying and crawling insects, such as lice, mites, midges, ticks and mosquitoes, for application to the horse's coat. HSE approved.
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